Green Smoothies

Where did the last 3 months go? I swear it was just the holidays and the next thing I know, BAM, it's Spring. How has it been so long since I've posted?! You probably thought I've abandoned you, right? I promise I haven't. This Winter in Chicago has just been so COLD. And I've been so busy and tired and and I've had great intentions of sharing what I've been up to in the kitchen with you guys. I just never got around to testing, shooting and writing all of the thoughts in this crazy head of mine. Plus, polar vortex. No human should ever have to experience -40' F let alone 3 different times!!

1 stalk dinosaur kale
1 c. leafy greens (spinach, red leaf lettuce, romaine, etc)
2 limes, juice + pulp
1' ginger, peeled & roughly chopped
3' cucumber (skin on)
3 mint leaves
1 green apple
1 c. brewed green tea, chilled

Place all your ingredients in a blender (starting with the kale and ending with the iced tea) and blend on the highest setting for 1 - 2 minutes. Add more tea or water as needed to reach your desired consistency. 

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